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发布时间:2018-08-21 15:47:36







The flame mouth is the name of the ghost in the hungry ghost road. It is a kind of Buddhist ceremony held according to the "Rescue Flame and Hungry Toroni Sutra." It is the main object of feeding on the flame mouth, and later gradually became equivalent to the name of the "flame mouth".



 Flame mouth, ghost name also. This hungry ghost must be named after the Master's change method because the throat is as fine as the tube can not feed.



 According to the Bible, the Buddha took the law of Sangha in Jiapiluochengni, and said for the monks and the Bodhisattvas. When Ershi Ananda lived alone, he settled in a quiet place. At the end of the night, there was a hungry ghost, named Flame. Before Ananda said: "But after three days, your life will be exhausted and you will be hungry. "Ananda was very frightened and went to the Buddha's office. Chen said this matter and taught him. The Buddha said that Wuliangweide is free from light and wins the wonderful power of Toroni. When repairing this method, Yuyiqie took a clean bottle, filled it with clean water, and set up less rice? And all the cakes and foods, the right hand press the bottle, Songtuoluoni seven times, and then called Duobao, wonderful color body, wide body, from fear and fear four such as the name, taken on the food utensils, clean the ground, for giving. If the Brahmin Immortals, that is, this Toroni two or seven times, cast in the Clean water. If you give three or seven times and dedicate three treasures, you will be offered and provided.


 焰口,系根据《救拔焰口饿鬼陀罗尼经》而举行的一种超度仪式。经中说:佛在迦毗罗城尼具律那僧伽蓝,为诸比丘并诸菩萨说法。尔时阿难独居闲静处习定。至夜三 更,有一饿鬼,名曰焰口。

于阿难前说:‘却后三日汝命将尽,生饿鬼中。’阿难心大惶怖,疾至佛所,陈说此事,并启示教。时佛为说无量威德自在光明殊胜妙力 陀罗尼,谓诵之即能免饿鬼苦,福寿增长。


修此法时,于一切时,取一净器,盛以净水,置少饭及诸饼食等,右手按器,诵陀罗尼七遍,然后称多宝、妙色身、广 博身、离怖畏四如来名号,取于食器,泻净地上,以作布施。若施婆罗门仙,即诵此陀罗尼二七遍,投于净流水中。若诵三七遍,奉献三宝,则成上味奉献供养。

 此 法的传来,最初是唐武后时实叉难陀译《救面然饿鬼陀罗尼神咒经》一卷和《甘露陀罗尼咒》一卷。面然就是焰口的异译。其《救面然饿鬼陀罗尼神咒经》中所说真 言名变食真言。《甘露陀罗尼咒》所说真言名甘露真言。


谓取一掬水,咒之十遍,散于空中,即成甘露。其后不空三藏译出《救拔焰口饿鬼陀罗尼经》,与实叉难陀 所译同本。不空又译出《瑜伽集要救阿难陀罗尼焰口仪轨经》、《瑜伽集要焰口施食起教阿难陀缘由》(即前《仪轨经》前半起源分别行)、《施诸饿鬼饮食及水 法》。



不空译《瑜伽集要救阿难陀罗尼仪轨经》中的行法次第是:一、破地狱真言,二、召饿鬼真言, 三、召罪真言,四、摧罪真言,五、定业真言,六、忏悔真言,七、施甘露真言,八、开咽喉真言,九、七如来名,十、发菩提心真言,十一、三昧耶戒真言,十 二、施食真言,十三、乳海真言,十四、普供养真言,十五、奉送真言。自此以后施饿鬼食便成为修密法者每日必行的仪式。也是汉传施食超度饿鬼,焰口鬼,等鬼道众生的一场法事。




The last day of the water and land law meeting is a grand ceremony. What saints are sent? What is the best way to show respect?



 At the time of the land and water law meeting, there was a ceremony to invite the Buddhas and the gods to come to the meeting. It was a ceremony for the six spirits to speak the scriptures, so that they could escape from the bitter sea and live in the Western world of bliss. Of course you do! Send the Holy Spirit is "The Holy People please return to Yunlu, and six sentient beings go to the Pure Land."



 The four saints in the ten legal circles are invited to the past, present, future, and the ten Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, preoccupations, and sounds, as well as the ancestors of the past. At the same time, the saints of the law community such as Fanwangdishi, the guardian of the heavens, and the Tianlong eight are also together. Come to protect the Dojo. After the completion of the statement, Qi Xin sent the Buddhas and the gods, and the six people went to the Pure Land, and the ceremony also represented the successful conclusion of the Water and Water Law Society.


The Buddha Bodhisattva is sent to the Buddha Bodhisattva. Naturally, it is necessary to hold respect. However, in addition to the respect on the rituals, the most respectful thing is to truly regard the Buddha Bodhisattva's desire to save all beings as his own wish.


They all say that the water and land laws will serve both the sun and the sun, but many people only know that they can help the deceased to save the suffering and go to the Pure Land. However, they actually have greater benefits for the living people. They can both report their parents 'grace and relatives and friends' grace, and they can also plant their own blessings. Longevity.



 Let's just say the sacrament ceremony, and look at the "Western method ship" on so many tablets, in addition to their own friends and relatives, who are they? Try to think about how many parents we have had in the cycle of this life, and where are they now? Maybe because of this, they're all around you.



At this time, you can remember the aspiration of the Tibetan Bodhisattva "Hell does not swear to be a Buddha." Although your ability is not as great as that of the Bodhisattva, you can sincerely borrow a little power from the Bodhisattva to help all sentient beings who are troubled and distressed. Buddha will surely help you!



 Put aside self-serving interests, every word and deed can produce great wisdom; Open the infinite heart, every bit of merit can reap the great fortune.